Our vision

First and foremost, Portable EHR is a tool that allows citizens to regain control over their health data, to provide informed consent to the sharing of their confidential information, and to greatly facilitate the management of their electronic health record (EHR).

All the above is made possible through our secure application, which uses your own smartphone as a central access point to medical information, as your identity authentication manager, and as a guardian of your health consents. The Portable EHR solution lets you view all your health information (test results, appointment schedule, communications with your healthcare provider, etc.) through a secure channel, without storing any confidential data on your mobile device.

Our vision is the reappropriation by each individual of his or her health data, in complete freedom and on a fully informed basis. Your EHR belongs to you.

Impact on society

A more efficient healthcare system is a faster,
more responsive healthcare system.

The overall aim of Portable EHR is to enable all parties involved in an episode of care to overcome geographical or interoperability barriers, so as to be able to optimize a patient’s journey with all available data.

This is made possible by using the patient’s cell phone as an identity and consent pivot to share the data that belongs to them.

What’s more, since the patient has complete control over his or her consent to share, which can be retracted in a matter of seconds, social acceptability is greatly facilitated. The same applies to consent for research or organ donation.

Bringing the patient into the loop and giving him or her the retractable right to consent to research can greatly facilitate the acquisition of statistically significant cohorts.

Long-term vision

Portable EHR wants to enable every citizen
to be the custodian of his or her electronic
health record, in addition to having the possibility
of consulting their record at any time on their smartphone. Each consent given by a patient
must be informed and easy to manage;
the patient is the one who decides.

Portable EHR wants every healthcare professional to have an overview, as well as a detailed view when necessary, of a patient’s health. Organizing, communicating, managing and reminding are all available on the same platform, thereby accelerating all processes.

Portable EHR wants every clinic manager to leverage our solution’s features in order to automate and streamline many administrative processes. The services that clinics offer will be more efficient and faster, benefiting the patient.

Ultimately,Portable EHR wants every patient, healthcare professional, and clinic manager to have access to its scalable solution which will improve every aspect of the treatment process, all in complete security, confidentiality and confidence.

Impact on society

A more efficient healthcare system is a faster, more responsive healthcare system.

The overall aim of Portable EHR is to enable all parties involved in an episode of care to overcome geographical or interoperability barriers, so as to be able to optimize a patient’s journey with all available data.

This is made possible by using the patient’s cell phone as an identity and consent pivot to share the data that belongs to them.

What’s more, since the patient has complete control over his or her consent to share, which can be retracted in a matter of seconds, social acceptability is greatly facilitated. The same applies to consent for research or organ donation.

Bringing the patient into the loop and giving him or her the retractable right to consent to research can greatly facilitate the acquisition of statistically significant cohorts.

Long-term vision

Portable EHR wants to enable every citizen to be the custodian of his or her electronic health record, in addition to having the possibility of consulting their record at any time on their smartphone. Each consent given by a patient must be informed and easy to manage; the patient is the one who decides.

Portable EHR wants every healthcare professional to have an overview, as well as a detailed view when necessary, of a patient’s health. Organizing, communicating, managing and reminding are all available on the same platform, thereby accelerating all processes.

Portable EHR wants every clinic manager to leverage our solution’s features in order to automate and streamline many administrative processes. The services that clinics offer will be more efficient and faster, benefiting the patient.

Ultimately,Portable EHR wants every patient, healthcare professional, and clinic manager to have access to its scalable solution which will improve every aspect of the treatment process, all in complete security, confidentiality and confidence.

LIS / RIS / CTMS interfaces

Portable EHR is negotiating with several institutions in order to establish direct connections between its application and various healthcare sector services.

For example, services such as the laboratory information system (LIS) of a major private laboratory, or the radiology information system (RIS) of several clinics and hospitals.

The above is complemented by a clinical trial management system (CTMS) that allows patients to easily manage their consent, or revocation of consent, in regards to their participation in research programs.

These direct connections will accelerate consent management, which will be updated in real time with every decision made by the patient.

Intelligent cohorts

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) contribute to the accelerated selection of patient-candidates who may join the cohorts of health research programs.

AI and ML both analyze the available health information, according to specific criteria, in order to rapidly assess a patient’s eligibility as a participant in a research cohort.

A patient who is contacted may give his or her informed consent to the sharing of personal health data for research purposes, or withdraw his or her participation at any time via the Portable EHR mobile application.

Any missing health information, that is judged necessary for the study, may be securely and confidentially provided through the application by the participating patient.

LIS / RIS / CTMS interfaces

Portable EHR is negotiating with several institutions in order to establish direct connections between its application and various healthcare sector services.

For example, services such as the laboratory information system (LIS) of a major private laboratory, or the radiology information system (RIS) of several clinics and hospitals.

The above is complemented by a clinical trial management system (CTMS) that allows patients to easily manage their consent, or revocation of consent, in regards to their participation in research programs.

These direct connections will accelerate consent management, which will be updated in real time with every decision made by the patient.

Intelligent cohorts

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) contribute to the accelerated selection of patient-candidates who may join the cohorts of health research programs.

AI and ML both analyze the available health information, according to specific criteria, in order to rapidly assess a patient’s eligibility as a participant in a research cohort.

A patient who is contacted may give his or her informed consent to the sharing of personal health data for research purposes, or withdraw his or her participation at any time via the Portable EHR mobile application.

Any missing health information, that is judged necessary for the study, may be securely and confidentially provided through the application by the participating patient.